Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Der Schmiege-Kuschel-Liebhab-Reim

I feel fortunate, very fortunate, to be able to have worked out a deal with a local german school to borrow books from their library. YAY!! My doctor told me that Kaya will start showing more interest in the actual story, as opposed to just the pictures and the pages, as she is now. So, though we have some German books already, I'm continually motivated to build our collection, esp. those with sweet stories that will not only teach her, but teach me as well. I've found one, in particular, that I really's about love and cuddling, neither of which I did much of while I was in Germany. The sound and rhythm of the rhyme is great, as are the sweet little words it uses. I'll share it here, with a poetic translation at the bottom. If I get it together enough, I hope to frame and hang this in our house soon!

Der Schmiege-Kuschel-Liebhab-Reim

Ich drueck dich fest an meine Brust
und geb dir einen dicken Kuss
auf Nas und Stirn fast jeden Tag,
weil ich dich ganz einfach mag.

Ich mal dir einen grossen Stern
und sage dir: ,,Ich hab dich gern!"
Wangen schmiegen, Haare wuscheln:
Wir sind Weltmeister im Kuscheln!

Naeschen aneinanderreiben.
Immer beieinanderbleiben!
So kuscheln wir, ob gross, ob klein,
zum Schmiege-Kuschel-Liebhab-Reim.

With a few poetic liberties, here's a rough translation:

I hold you close into my chest
and give you a big fat kiss--
on the nose and on your head,
because I simply love you so.

I draw you quite a really big star
and tell you then, "I like you so."
Nuzzle our cheeks, tousle our hair,
we are super snuggle masters!

Rubbing noses with each other,
always staying close to one another,
That's how we snuggle, whether big or small,
to the Nuzzle-snuggle-loving-rhyme.

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